Saturday, September 6, 2008

Indrapastha College Bilingual Fresher's Debate

There was a fresher's debate at IP college on 3rd sep,08. The topic was "Bollywood images women in the realm of myth and fantasy". More than 20 teams participated including teams from the north campus colleges. From NSIT we had two teams , which indicates a positive sign for our debsoc.....
The day was really hot and sunny and there at IP college for Women some were still trying to hike the temperatures. There were cash prizes for the Best team, Best Speaker,Best interjector along with some books for each winner.
As the debate was bilingual we had many speakers who chose hindi as their lingua franca which took me by surprize,but they were entertaining. My team was the 11th one to speak and i was feeling quite confident till that moment as i was not seeing anything really great happenig on the podium. But i forgot that some colleges are still left and those included all the majors of north campus. Of course people of eng and hindi hons have an edge over us and there i feel lacked behind (this i have felt all the times whenever i was there in a debate......... )
One cannot deny the fact that these people have much extra time (to prepare ) than us and of course a better expression than me. This is not a excuse for not winning uptill now but a field where we all (fresher's) have to work upon.........
From my past debating experiences i have felt that we lack in the following apects and hence we are not rewarded...........
1. our teams are not decided till the last moment, and hence we are not prepared even a day before the event. Obviously when you are a newcomer you cannot expect to win by an overnight preparaion.
2.Both the partners should prepare common arguments, i mean the debates should be linked,the points should match, you have to counter attack on the points your opposition has said, rather than introducing some new arguments.........(This is what i lacked at my SRCC debate.........)
3.Focus on your content and matter for its the only thing which can help you win.
4.As far as the expression part is concerned you need to be clear and audible, and there is no need for any artifical face expressions.
5. frame your speech in points and mention all the points before your speech. that makes you clear and simplistic..
i ll try to post other suggesions wherever i ll feel like helping you all(freshers).
these were my suggestions your suggestions and experiences are awaited..................

no matter we havent won any but we have participated and learnt a lot. i hope we ll definitely win some day........


Monday, September 1, 2008

LSR Comquest 2008
A Review

The LSR Comquest was held by the Department of Commerce on 28th and 29th of August 2008.
There were the Panel Discussion,The GD,AdMad,Commekaze the Quiz and a Panel Discussion(non-competitive).

The prizes were great.The overall ambience was good ;) Though from a Quizzing point of view it wasnt good in the larger perspective and otherwise despite 2 NSIT teams qualifying to the top 6.We came 5th :(

The Paper Presentation was held in a much better way with judges with decent knowledge coming along.he topics were Political Instability and Business Interest,Impact of Global Warming on Climate Change and also Employee Concerens and ( something I dont remember) ....... and the final was an Extempore Debate with the topic Corporate Social Responsibility: A new Buzzword. JMC won the overall best team and LSR came second.

There was some salvation for NSIT. Since I went alone I wasnt eligible for Best Team but I managed to win Best Speaker in both the Prelims and Finals.

Also in the General Discussion I got a 2nd place.Held in typical style by IMS, It was conducted by an ex-XLRI student now in KPMG who works on the side with IMS

Topics for Prelims
1.Tippy Tippy Tap what colour do you want?
2.Something on Single Sex education
3.Wat if Sachin Tendulkar were to play Chess and Vishwanathan Anand to play cricket?
4. You are surivors on Island of a plane crash while crossing the Atlantic .You dont know where you are. Six Items :- Axe,Pistol full of Bullets,Rucksack,Mirror,Pen and Paper and food for 5 days can be obtained.
Prioritize and make consensus among the group on what you need.
A long 40 minute final with 8 finalists from the prelims/heats MUN style with 8 guys representing different things such as the UN,IPCC,NIPCC,Business Community,Medical Fraternity,Common Man USA and China trying to thrash out an agreement agreeable to everyone.

Total Winnings :- 3000 bucks and a Cannon digital camera.3 certificates

A good outing.
So Start participating and start winning :)

Note to all :- At whatever debate/GD/PD/MUn you go to.Do put up a review and details of what you attended for us to know.


Indraprastha College Bi-Lingual Freshers Debate

Following are the fresher debate details ie Invite to held at IP College.Please send in your registrations to me or the Email ID mentioned ASAP.Make teams and go in large numbers.Best of Luck.

Dear Sir/Ma'am

You are cordially invited to participate in the Indraprastha College's Bi-Lingual Fresher's' Debate 2008. The debate will be held on Wednesday, 3rd September '08 from 12: 15 pm onwards in the College's Auditorium. The registration would start from 11: 30 onwards.

Topic: Bollywood images women in the realm of myth and fantasy

As the debate is bilingual, you can send a mixed team comprising of one English speaker and one Hindi speaker. We cordially invite your esteemed college to participate in our event.

The basic rules and regulations are as follows

  1. Each college has to send at least one team. Registration of more than one team is also acceptable and invited.
  2. Each team should comprise of at two members, one speaking for the motion and the other speaking against the motion.
  3. Each participant will speak for 3+1 minutes with a grace period of 15 seconds.
  4. Every participant is required to answer only one interjection. If a particular speaker is not interjected, he/she receives full marks for the specific section.
  5. Each speaker is free to express his/her opinion in either Hindi or English, but he/she must adhere to that respective language though out the debate.
  6. Participants don't have to disclose the name of their college
  7. The participants would be judged on account of

    • Subject matter
    • Debating style
    • Confidence levels
    • Understanding of the topic

Satisfying the answers to the interjections contribute to overall marks.

We request you to confirm your college's participation at

For further queries, please contact

Shubhda Chaudhary – 9899024835- President- English Debating society

Best of luck to you guys