Saturday, August 23, 2008


This is the unofficial blog of the official NSIT Debating Society. Yes,we will be called the NSIT Debating Society and not some funny smart alec name that generates only guffaws.

We have now formed a Google Group and a blog to give a concrete structure to the Debating Society.

The Debating Society will meet every Wednesday at 1530 hours for 10-15 minutes just inside the COE Block on the Ground floor to discuss any logistical matters,Organization of Events(Literary that is),Competition alerts and if necassary selections. This also ensures that you dont miss out on the workings of any other society such as CSI,IEEE,Quiz Club et al.

On the blog,in person,and on the Google Group, various facets of Debating such as Parliamentary Debates,The "Original" Debate--prepared debate,MUNs,GDs et al shall be discussed.

Also you are requested to post any and all debates,speeches,good reading and research materal which can benefit the memebers in any way on the Google Group as posts or as files which can be downloaded.

All these forums will also serve as a Competition Alert for debates across the Delhi University.

The Blog remains an open space while the Google Group remains to be a members only place.Any other NSITians who want to be a part of the DebSoc,do send in a mail at members also to send in a mail at the same address.

We seem to have a lot of fresher debates going on in DU and for the first time a lot of the first years seem interested and are going,which is good.So keep it up and keep us updated and mail at or for any help!

A couple of things to do over the coming week :-

1. Please mail your experience in debating at the school/college level in a C.V. form to
As subheadings please use

a.Parliamentary Debates

I need a co-administrator/moderator on this blog/Googlegroup who can volunteer to do the layout,manage posts,basically keep everybody under a check,be regualr.So please volunteer under the comments section.This need basically arisis due to my being rather poor at Computer related stuff. And yes,I am in Computer Engineering.

3. On the Google Group I will be putting a format for the DebSoc poster.So please download and stick it in the college every week.This gets us more visibility in the college and people will come to know that we are doing something worthwhile ;)

4. Since we are an Official society ,A formal proposal needs to be sent across to the Admin.So we need ideas for what all we need.Work on that too.Posts will be discussed at a later stage.

Do immediately comply with point 1 and for ideas/opinions/suggestions on point 2,3 and 4 use the comments section or start independent threads on the Google Group.

Happy Arguing!

PS :- Any grammatical error is attributedto a heavy load of MD sheets!